From Skeptics to Fans: The Power of Compelling Content with Matt Halloran (Ep. 28)

From Skeptics to Fans: The Power of Compelling Content with Matt Halloran (Ep. 28)

Today, we unravel the essence of social proof and its pivotal role for financial advisors. The key takeaway — is a stellar website, compelling brand messaging and content that establishes credibility. The goal? Move people from skeptics to fans. 

Stay tuned as we emphasize the need for ongoing engagement. Financial advisors take note — consistently educate your potential clients, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to their economic well-being. We advocate the philosophy of ‘dripping’ on clients, ensuring a continuous stream of valuable information rather than a one-off event. 

Joining us today is Matt Halloran, co-founder of ProudMouth, who is sharing insights on his belief in long-term marketing. The mantra is “slow marketing” — a strategic approach that not only appeases algorithms but also adapts to the evolving social media landscape. And speaking of algorithms, understanding and aligning with platform algorithms is paramount for success.  

Come along as we delve into the core of social proof, crafting compelling content and injecting your unique personality into your marketing strategy. 

In this episode, you’ll learn key concepts on: 

  • Building unshakable trust through social proof
  • Leveraging the power of slow marketing 
  • Aligning seamlessly with platform algorithms
  • Cultivating familiarity before the booking stage
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway: 

Connect with Matt Halloran

About our Guest:

Matt Halloran is a co-founder of ProudMouth, the world’s leading influence accelerator for financial advisors. An in-demand speaker, he’s appeared on over 1,000 podcasts. As well, Matt is the host of ProudMouth’s Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, where he and industry leaders empower advisors to become trusted, recognized authorities. Matt is the author of “The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors,” the first social media book for financial services. 

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