Month: December 2023

Strategic Hiring for Financial Advisors with Jon Duncan (Ep. 30)

Strategic Hiring for Financial Advisors with Jon Duncan (Ep. 30)

This episode is tailored for financial advisors seeking to build their team with the right sub reps. The biggest mistake? Relying solely on personality when hiring, rather than digging into long-term goals, knowledge and cultural compatibility. 

Joining us today is Jonathon Duncan, Co-Founder and President at Advisor Seekers, who reveals the key mistakes advisors make when recruiting, highlighting the importance of self-evaluation and understanding both your own value proposition and the qualities you truly need in a sub rep. 

Jon focuses on helping advisors identify their firm’s unique value proposition. By grasping what distinguishes their business, advisors can adeptly convey this to potential hires, attracting sub reps whose goals align with the firm’s mission. The overarching message of the episode is a call for clarity in the hiring process — encouraging advisors to figure out precisely what they are looking for, know where they are headed, and, most importantly, not compromise on their criteria. 

In this episode, you’ll learn key concepts on: 

  • Showcasing your firm’s unique value proposition
  • Pinpointing your firm’s specific needs
  • Prioritizing fit over mere charisma in the hiring process
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway:

Connect with Jon Duncan: 

About our Guest:

A veteran recruiter in the wealth management space, Jon has a reputation for building lasting relationships with financial professionals and executive leaders across the country. His deep understanding of the financial industry and down-to-earth approach enables him to build the level of trust it takes to find and place top-tier talent.

From Chaos to Control: Expert Tips for Financial Advising with Libby Greiwe (Ep. 29)

From Chaos to Control: Expert Tips for Financial Advising with Libby Greiwe (Ep. 29)

Feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout? You’re not alone, especially in the demanding world of financial advising. In this episode, our guest shares her top hacks and efficiencies that contribute to thriving in the industry.  

First things first: ditch the chaos and embrace efficiency. Many advisors waste time and resources on building brand awareness without a corresponding return on investment (ROI).  Tracking the effectiveness of marketing efforts is crucial, and marketing should be viewed as an investment in the business rather than a mere budget.  

Joining us today is Libby Greiwe, the Efficient Advisor Podcast Host and Advisor Coach, who emphasizes the significance of assembling the right team and implementing time-saving hacks to enhance overall efficiency. 

Come along as we delve into a practical guide for automating repetitive tasks, delegating responsibilities, eliminating unnecessary elements and streamlining processes for your firm.

In this episode, you’ll learn critical concepts on: 

  • Distinguishing sunk costs from investments
  • Simplifying processes and systems
  • Embracing data-driven decisions
  • Preventing burnout
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway:

Connect with Libby Greiwe:


About our Guest:

Do you ever wish you knew an Advisor who built a 7-figure practice—while only working three days a week—that was willing to share her systems, processes and business hacks with you? Meet the Efficient Advisor Podcast host, Libby Greiwe. Her specialty? Breaking down the functions of a financial planning practice into actionable step-by-step processes designed to get you results and get you out of overwhelm. 

She ran her own planning business for 16 years, culminating in a sale & retirement in 2019. Now, she’s simply obsessed with helping other amazing advisors do the same thing.