Strategic Hiring for Financial Advisors with Jon Duncan (Ep. 30)

Strategic Hiring for Financial Advisors with Jon Duncan (Ep. 30)

This episode is tailored for financial advisors seeking to build their team with the right sub reps. The biggest mistake? Relying solely on personality when hiring, rather than digging into long-term goals, knowledge and cultural compatibility.  Joining us today is Jonathon Duncan, Co-Founder and President at Advisor Seekers, who reveals the key mistakes advisors make …

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From Chaos to Control: Expert Tips for Financial Advising with Libby Greiwe (Ep. 29)

From Chaos to Control: Expert Tips for Financial Advising with Libby Greiwe (Ep. 29)

Feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout? You’re not alone, especially in the demanding world of financial advising. In this episode, our guest shares her top hacks and efficiencies that contribute to thriving in the industry.   First things first: ditch the chaos and embrace efficiency. Many advisors waste time and resources on building brand …

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From Skeptics to Fans: The Power of Compelling Content with Matt Halloran (Ep. 28)

From Skeptics to Fans: The Power of Compelling Content with Matt Halloran (Ep. 28)

Today, we unravel the essence of social proof and its pivotal role for financial advisors. The key takeaway — is a stellar website, compelling brand messaging and content that establishes credibility. The goal? Move people from skeptics to fans.  Stay tuned as we emphasize the need for ongoing engagement. Financial advisors take note — consistently …

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Estate Planning: A Bridge to the Next Generation with Chris Hall (Ep. 27)

Estate Planning: A Bridge to the Next Generation with Chris Hall (Ep. 27)

Today, we highlight a parallel between the past and the present, where financial advisors initially hesitated to delve into tax matters because they weren’t accountants, just as they are now hesitant to venture into estate planning due to the misconception that they must be lawyers.   The financial advisory industry has been traditionally slow to embrace …

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Sharing Your Personal “Why” Story to Build Trust & Communication with Deirdre Van Nest (Ep. 26)

Sharing Your Personal “Why” Story to Build Trust & Communication with Deirdre Van Nest (Ep. 26)

Today, we dive into the art of personal branding and effective communication in the financial advisory business.  In the saturated landscape of financial services, standing out requires more than a typical sales pitch. Our guest, Deirdre Van Nest, Founder of Crazy Good Talks, believes in debunking the conventional approach of merely showcasing services. Instead, champion …

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The Growth Formula: Sub-Reps, Lead Gen and Advisor Empowerment with Jeff Grail (Ep. 25)

The Growth Formula: Sub-Reps, Lead Gen and Advisor Empowerment with Jeff Grail (Ep. 25)

Today, we discuss the dynamic role that sub-reps and lead generation strategies, such as educational workshops, play in helping advisors scale their firms. Central to this growth strategy is empowering sub-reps through comprehensive training specifically tailored for various platforms like seminars and webinars. Our esteemed guest, Jeff Grail, Co-Founder and SVP of Strategic Partnerships at …

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The Ultimate Intro Meeting with Brendan Frazier (Ep. 24)

The Ultimate Intro Meeting with Brendan Frazier (Ep. 24)

Financial advisors often follow traditional methods and teachings in their profession. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the conventional approach may not always prioritize the most effective communication with clients. It’s time to shift in perspective, where advisors focus on delivering the right message and guidance to truly benefit their clients.   The initial introduction meeting …

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Exploring the Crossroads of Healthcare and Financial Management with Christine Simone (Ep. 23)

Exploring the Crossroads of Healthcare and Financial Management with Christine Simone (Ep. 23)

Healthcare and finance are two essential pillars of our society that are inextricably linked, often in ways we may not fully understand. Today, we explore the intersection of these two vital sectors.   It’s not news that healthcare ranks high among individuals’ financial worries. After all, the saying “If I don’t have my health, I don’t …

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Navigating Estate Planning with Care and Communication with Charles McClenaghan, Esq. (Ep. 22)

Navigating Estate Planning with Care and Communication with Charles McClenaghan, Esq. (Ep. 22)

Estate planning can be a difficult conversation to have, but it’s important to start the conversation early. Commendably, your clients have taken the step to address the inevitable topic of mortality. Recognizing the emotional weight of this discussion, you can assure your clients that while it may be daunting, crafting a well-thought-out plan is indispensable …

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