Month: January 2024

Cracking the Marketing Code with Dean Thurman (Ep. 31)

Cracking the Marketing Code with Dean Thurman (Ep. 31)

The harsh reality of the industry is that 90% of financial advisors throw in the towel within five years. Our guest sheds light on the power of seminars as a key marketing strategy for building a business that booms, not busts.  

Joining us today is Dean Thurman, Co-Founder of White Glove and InvestWise Financial, who reveals the power of face-to-face interaction. Forget cold calls and unreliable referrals. Dean champions seminars as the most effective marketing tool for advisors. Why? You control the message, the audience, and the connection. Virtual workshops are great for scaling, but nothing beats the intimacy of in-person meetings. 

Recognizing the reluctance of advisors to handle the logistics of seminar planning, Dean explains how White Glove was established to take care of the planning process, allowing advisors to focus on their core strengths. The overarching message of the episode is Dean’s secret sauce: being a marketer first and a financial planner second. This mindset shift is crucial for building a thriving business. 

In this episode, you’ll learn critical concepts on: 

  • Shifting your mindset from financial planner to marketer
  • Defining growth objectives for personal success
  • Marketing your services with seminars
  • Scaling your financial planning practice
  • And more!

Connect with Lara Galloway:

Connect with Dean Thurman

About our Guest:

As co-founder of White Glove, Dean draws from his more than 25 years of experience as a financial advisor, many of which he spent conducting educational seminars to grow his practice. He provides guidance and direction to the White Glove team on how to effectively market the company’s business growth services. Dean is also the co-owner of InvestWise Financial, a financial firm with half a billion in assets under management.