Tag: Lara Galloway

Strategic Hiring for Financial Advisors with Jon Duncan (Ep. 30)

Strategic Hiring for Financial Advisors with Jon Duncan (Ep. 30)

This episode is tailored for financial advisors seeking to build their team with the right sub reps. The biggest mistake? Relying solely on personality when hiring, rather than digging into long-term goals, knowledge and cultural compatibility. 

Joining us today is Jonathon Duncan, Co-Founder and President at Advisor Seekers, who reveals the key mistakes advisors make when recruiting, highlighting the importance of self-evaluation and understanding both your own value proposition and the qualities you truly need in a sub rep. 

Jon focuses on helping advisors identify their firm’s unique value proposition. By grasping what distinguishes their business, advisors can adeptly convey this to potential hires, attracting sub reps whose goals align with the firm’s mission. The overarching message of the episode is a call for clarity in the hiring process — encouraging advisors to figure out precisely what they are looking for, know where they are headed, and, most importantly, not compromise on their criteria. 

In this episode, you’ll learn key concepts on: 

  • Showcasing your firm’s unique value proposition
  • Pinpointing your firm’s specific needs
  • Prioritizing fit over mere charisma in the hiring process
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway:

Connect with Jon Duncan: 

About our Guest:

A veteran recruiter in the wealth management space, Jon has a reputation for building lasting relationships with financial professionals and executive leaders across the country. His deep understanding of the financial industry and down-to-earth approach enables him to build the level of trust it takes to find and place top-tier talent.

From Chaos to Control: Expert Tips for Financial Advising with Libby Greiwe (Ep. 29)

From Chaos to Control: Expert Tips for Financial Advising with Libby Greiwe (Ep. 29)

Feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout? You’re not alone, especially in the demanding world of financial advising. In this episode, our guest shares her top hacks and efficiencies that contribute to thriving in the industry.  

First things first: ditch the chaos and embrace efficiency. Many advisors waste time and resources on building brand awareness without a corresponding return on investment (ROI).  Tracking the effectiveness of marketing efforts is crucial, and marketing should be viewed as an investment in the business rather than a mere budget.  

Joining us today is Libby Greiwe, the Efficient Advisor Podcast Host and Advisor Coach, who emphasizes the significance of assembling the right team and implementing time-saving hacks to enhance overall efficiency. 

Come along as we delve into a practical guide for automating repetitive tasks, delegating responsibilities, eliminating unnecessary elements and streamlining processes for your firm.

In this episode, you’ll learn critical concepts on: 

  • Distinguishing sunk costs from investments
  • Simplifying processes and systems
  • Embracing data-driven decisions
  • Preventing burnout
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway:

Connect with Libby Greiwe:


About our Guest:

Do you ever wish you knew an Advisor who built a 7-figure practice—while only working three days a week—that was willing to share her systems, processes and business hacks with you? Meet the Efficient Advisor Podcast host, Libby Greiwe. Her specialty? Breaking down the functions of a financial planning practice into actionable step-by-step processes designed to get you results and get you out of overwhelm. 

She ran her own planning business for 16 years, culminating in a sale & retirement in 2019. Now, she’s simply obsessed with helping other amazing advisors do the same thing.  

From Skeptics to Fans: The Power of Compelling Content with Matt Halloran (Ep. 28)

From Skeptics to Fans: The Power of Compelling Content with Matt Halloran (Ep. 28)

Today, we unravel the essence of social proof and its pivotal role for financial advisors. The key takeaway — is a stellar website, compelling brand messaging and content that establishes credibility. The goal? Move people from skeptics to fans. 

Stay tuned as we emphasize the need for ongoing engagement. Financial advisors take note — consistently educate your potential clients, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to their economic well-being. We advocate the philosophy of ‘dripping’ on clients, ensuring a continuous stream of valuable information rather than a one-off event. 

Joining us today is Matt Halloran, co-founder of ProudMouth, who is sharing insights on his belief in long-term marketing. The mantra is “slow marketing” — a strategic approach that not only appeases algorithms but also adapts to the evolving social media landscape. And speaking of algorithms, understanding and aligning with platform algorithms is paramount for success.  

Come along as we delve into the core of social proof, crafting compelling content and injecting your unique personality into your marketing strategy. 

In this episode, you’ll learn key concepts on: 

  • Building unshakable trust through social proof
  • Leveraging the power of slow marketing 
  • Aligning seamlessly with platform algorithms
  • Cultivating familiarity before the booking stage
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway: 

Connect with Matt Halloran

About our Guest:

Matt Halloran is a co-founder of ProudMouth, the world’s leading influence accelerator for financial advisors. An in-demand speaker, he’s appeared on over 1,000 podcasts. As well, Matt is the host of ProudMouth’s Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, where he and industry leaders empower advisors to become trusted, recognized authorities. Matt is the author of “The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors,” the first social media book for financial services. 

Estate Planning: A Bridge to the Next Generation with Chris Hall (Ep. 27)

Estate Planning: A Bridge to the Next Generation with Chris Hall (Ep. 27)

Today, we highlight a parallel between the past and the present, where financial advisors initially hesitated to delve into tax matters because they weren’t accountants, just as they are now hesitant to venture into estate planning due to the misconception that they must be lawyers.  

The financial advisory industry has been traditionally slow to embrace change. However, firms are gradually realizing the necessity of offering estate planning services to their clients. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the untapped potential within the topic.

Our guest, Chris Hall, Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships at Estate Guru, believes estate planning can serve as a powerful bridge to establish connections and ensure the continuity of financial advisory relationships within families. What’s more, with Estate Guru’s software, financial advisors can confidently rely on legal expertise throughout the process.

Join us as we explore building enduring relationships with the next generation of clients and how advisors can differentiate themselves in the business. 

In this episode, you’ll gain valuable insights into: 

  • Building relationships with the next gen
  • Changing dynamics in financial advisory
  • Addressing the estate planning gap in financial advisors’ practices
  • Navigating the beneficiary predicament and the great wealth transfer
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway: 

Connect with Chris Hall

About our Guest:

Chris Hall heads up strategic partnerships and business development for this industry leading cloud based legal solution. In his current role with the team at Estate Guru, he is on a mission to provide access to quality legal assistance for the masses. The goal is to leverage today’s powerful technology in combination with the still very important human element.

Sharing Your Personal “Why” Story to Build Trust & Communication with Deirdre Van Nest (Ep. 26)

Sharing Your Personal “Why” Story to Build Trust & Communication with Deirdre Van Nest (Ep. 26)

Today, we dive into the art of personal branding and effective communication in the financial advisory business. 

In the saturated landscape of financial services, standing out requires more than a typical sales pitch. Our guest, Deirdre Van Nest, Founder of Crazy Good Talks, believes in debunking the conventional approach of merely showcasing services. Instead, champion the power of authentic storytelling to forge genuine connections with your clients.

When differentiation is scarce, sharing your personal “why” story serves as the bedrock of your marketing strategy. It’s not just about what you do; it’s about why you do it. Additionally, we underline the correlation between effective communication skills and audience engagement, asserting that being a proficient communicator significantly amplifies your reach and influence.

Join us as we explore the essence of presenting yourself and your brand authentically, and how it can truly resonate with your audience.

In this episode, you’ll gain key insights into:

  • Prioritizing authenticity over pitching 
  • The power of your “why” story
  • Revealing your personal side through social media
  • Building deep relationships and human connections
  • And more!


Connect with Lara Galloway:

Connect with Deirdre Van Nest:

About our Guest:

Deirdre Van Nest is a top-rated international Keynoter, Speaking Coach, Story Strategist and the founder of Crazy Good Talks; a company devoted to helping financial professionals and entrepreneurs fast-track their Know, Like and Trust Factor so they get to the “YES” quicker. She welcomes your connection request on LinkedIn, and you can check out her services by going to www.crazygoodtalks.com.

Be Credible So You Can Be Incredible: Establishing Yourself as an Authority with Mike Saunders (Ep. 14)

Be Credible So You Can Be Incredible: Establishing Yourself as an Authority with Mike Saunders (Ep. 14)

Does your audience pay close attention when they see your name on a presentation, workshop, or meeting agenda? Do potential clients perceive you as a credible subject matter expert when they search for your name online?

To answer “yes” to both questions, it’s imperative to proactively establish yourself as a respected authority in your industry — solidifying your reputation and expertise to command attention, gain trust and drive meaningful connections with your audience. 

In this episode, Lara Galloway engages in an illuminating discussion with Mike Saunders, a best-selling author, business coach and authority positioning expert. Together, they reveal powerful and practical strategies that financial advisors can implement right away to establish themselves as trusted authorities in their industry. By leveraging their expertise, these techniques allow advisors to forge deeper connections with clients and prospects, ultimately leading to greater success and a thriving business. 

Get ready to discover a wealth of knowledge in this episode as you learn how to:

  • Establish an evergreen digital footprint through the creation of “authority positioning assets”
  • Boost your content marketing efforts with maximum impact and minimal time investment
  • Leverage client interactions as invaluable opportunities to boost credibility and strengthen client relationships
  • Harness authority positioning to establish yourself as a recognized expert to make it effortless for clients to refer and advocate for you
  • And more!

Take advantage of the chance to transform your business and become a trusted authority in your industry. Tune in now to gain the insights you need for success!


Connect with Mike Saunders: 

About our Guest: 

Mike Saunders, MBA, is a speaker, a best-selling author of four books, and a successful business coach and authority positioning expert. He is an adjunct marketing professor at several Universities and is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business and Career Coaches.

Through his podcast, Influential Entrepreneurs with Mike Saunders, MBA, Mike has interviewed hundreds of industry experts and thought leaders. As an Authority Marketing Strategist, Mike helps business owners build their authority and expertise to enhance their competitive advantage. He is passionate about empowering financial professionals to become THE Trusted Advisor with indestructible authority with a done-for-you Authority Positioning Portfolio® of permanent assets on the world’s most powerful platforms.